Our Executive

Dr Kefilwe Selema- BDU President

Welcome Fellow comrades!

Botswana Doctors Union exists to represent, supports and negotiates on behalf of all Medical Doctors, Dentists and allied health professionals in Botswana. As the current President I, together with the rest of my executive have vowed to put our all into achieving the goals of the Union. We are committed to representing our peers in advocating better wages and working conditions.

We are committed to protecting Doctors from all forms of abuse and promoting healthy working relationships between our members and their employers. We will strive to protect the integrity of the medical profession while also promoting medical research in Botswana.

We have already done so much within the first 3 years of registering the Union and with our growing membership we will use our numbers as a collective bargaining chip to get better benefits for our members.

I therefore urge all potential members to enroll with our Union as our Voice will be much louder through our numbers.

Our Executive Committe

Dr Thabang Tau

Vice President

Dr Mohammed Chand

Additional Member

Dr Charles Muyela

Secretary General

Dr Thabang Mazebedi

Public Relations Officer

Dr Kefilwe Dube

Additional Member

Mr Neo Ramosamo

Head Of Secretariat

Mr Mpho Chingapane

Labour Law & Union Expert

The Role Of The Executive

  • The President shall Chair all general and committee meetings whilst also striving to grow the union politically, intellectually and financially by all means legally possible.
  • The Vice-President Shall assume the role of the President in his/her absence and shall also be the Chair of the Disciplinary hearing.
  • The Secretary-General Shall keep all records of the Union (Save for Financial Records) as well as an up-to-date register of members. The SG shall also head the membership committee.
  • The Treasurer is responsible for keeping all financial records of the Union, collecting and disbursing funds on behalf of the union, and preparation of the Union’s financials for presentation to members.
  • The Public Relations Officer is the voice of the union to stakeholders and its members. Their office is responsible for the Union’s brand awareness.
  • The 2 Additional Members of the Union will provide additional hands to the tasks that the Union may carry from time to time.